In iOS8 UIAlertController replaces UIActionsheet and UIAlertView. An AlertController can be created with a "title" and a "message".
We can set two styles to an AlertController. Which is given below.
(a)UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet - for configuring UIAlertController as an ActionSheet
(b)UIAlertControllerStyleAlert - for configuring UIAlertController as an Alert.
We can set two styles to an AlertController. Which is given below.
(a)UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet - for configuring UIAlertController as an ActionSheet
(b)UIAlertControllerStyleAlert - for configuring UIAlertController as an Alert.
How to create an Alert/ActionSheet
- Creating an AlertController object
- Adding an Action
The handler block can be used to get the call back when “ok” button is pressed.
- Presenting the alertController
How to create a simple Alert with OK button and a message
The Alert will be looking like as given below.
The Alert will be looking like as given below.
The ActionSheet will be looking like as given below.
Thank you.